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張恩滿出生於台東,長期關注台灣原住民如何在不可逆的現代化進程中去協調和處理其自身於文化、社會及基本生存之間的狀態,以此基礎去外推廓繪世界的樣貌,寄望發掘藝術可以去轉化的力量。個展《重如鴻毛》於洛杉磯台灣書院 (2017)與溫哥華Centre A (2106),《蝸牛樂園》於台北打開-當代藝術工作站 (2013)。參展2019年新加坡雙年展《正確方向的每一步》,巴黎龐畢度大都會雙年展《重新思考人類》,伊斯坦堡雙年展《第七大陸》; 2018台灣雙年展《野根莖》;2014年台北雙年展《劇烈加速度》等。

Born in Taitung, Taiwan, Chang En-Man has focused extensively on how the indigenous people of Taiwan deal with the cultural, social, and fundamental conditions they are faced with throughout the irreversible process of modernization. Based on this, she then extends outwards to explore the world and seeks to discover the transformative power that art embodies. Some of Chang’s solo exhibitions include As Heavy as a Feather presented at the Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles, USA (2017) and Centre A in Vancouver, Canada (2016); and Snail Paradise at Open Contemporary Art Center, Taipei (2013). In 2019, she took part in the Singapore Biennale- Every Step in the Right Direction; COSMOPOLIS #2 REPENSER L'HUMAIN at the Centre Pompidou in Paris; and the Istanbul Biennial - The Seventh Continent. She was also a contributing artist in Wild Rhizome – 2018 Taiwan Biennial and the 2014 Taipei Biennial - The Great Acceleration.

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