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徐紹恩 / 徐酸

HSU Soul-N

20歲的細膩少年,誕於二十世紀末的夏至。 15歲考進南海路高中,同年加入台北某青年地下組織。18歲搬到妖山大學讀藝術,19歲以來仍被臨檢過五次未成年駕駛。目前從事文字、機械裝置、影像等媒體之藝術創作,在台北日子裡思量各種議題、斟酌詞彙、午夜漫遊、用深邃心思感受與積攢。


Huang Hsin-Tze

我叫黃心慈,黃色的黃、愛心的心、慈愛的慈,1999年生於台北,就讀國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系三年級。 熱愛陶藝、插畫、攝影,最近買了一盒足以填補生活空缺的蠟筆,心滿意足(其實好像也沒有完全的滿足)。


WANG Heng-Yu



White discipline

白色訓導:2020 / 陶、電子材料、燈
白色訓導—複耗的公轉:2019 / 類粉筆、馬達、金屬、壓克力

White discipline: 2020 / pottery, electronic materials, light
White discipline - attenuating revolutions: 2019 / plaster, motor, metal, acrylic




White Discipline is composed of two new media art installations. Through a dynamic contrast between light and darkness and a mechanical repetition and abrasion, this work tries not only to visualize and interpret the survival crisis of individuals’ uniqueness under the manipulation of the overwhelming power system, but also to explore the possibility for people to break free from the
monitored and disciplined obedience during the White Terror.

In a smaller detention room, subsidiary work White discipline - repeated revolution installed several skull sculptures made of chalk on a whirling device, grinding into dust over time, leaving a trace on the acrylic surface. It leads the viewers to contemplate on who the discipliners or the actors are, and who the disciplinees or the actees are. It also symbolizes and interprets the situation of
individuals whose individuality is systematically wiped out in macro-operations.

The main work White discipline, derived from the former work. Several head molds made of clay repeatedly smash themselves onto the wall while a flashlight slowly rotating in the middle of the dimmed room. As soon as they come into sight under the light, they stop moving immediately until back into darkness. The movement of the light symbolizes what the political prisoners lived through
under the surveillance, disciplines and ideological reform imposed by the correctional staff in the prison, and what the general public at the time suffered with their thinking, speech and behaviors under control. The currents under the superficial obedience stimulate the viewers to reflect on the situation of people living under systematic threats to human rights.

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