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The image of adhesion


獨居房:2020 / 行為裝置 / 雙頻道有聲彩色錄像

八卦樓:2020 / 限地製作裝置 / 單頻道錄像


Solitary cell: 2020 / performance installation / 2 channel video (color, sound)

Bagua building: 2020 / site-specific installation / single channel video (color, sound)



根據侯怡亭自述:「以此醫學用語比喻人的記憶影像,經常在復返時再次遭遇,有時記憶像是沾黏了海水的鹽分,使之變異產生影像與影像之間的沾黏,但也須透過此過程,深刻的記憶影 像得以經過不斷的紐結與拉扯,逐漸邁向癒合之路。」侯怡亭以她本人和其他參與者的肉身為媒介,迴訪在過去與當下之間,被監禁的或生活裡的勞動足跡,進行相關影像的再製、生產、教育與實驗,引領觀眾探索非經劇本設定的異質旅程。


Medically, “adhesion” refers to scar tissues that form on post- surgery wounds. As a wound heals, bands of fibrous scar tissue form on tissues and organs and cause them to stick to one another, which become inner scars.

HOU I-Ting writes in her artist statement, “I use this medical term metaphorically to refer to images from people’s memories, which may be recurring and re-experienced. Sometimes, memories seem to be sticky like salty seawater, which could distort and alter and result in adhesions between images. However, this process is also necessary, because as profound images embedded in memories are continuously distorted and pulled, they could then slowly start to heal.” HOU uses her own body and the bodies of other participants to mediate any imprints of labor from the past or the present, from being restrained, or from everyday life. She then reproduces, produces, educates, and experiments with these images and takes the audience on a heterogeneous journey without a prearranged script.

This heterogeneous journey is the nucleus of the adhesion metaphor. The links caused by adhesion may be harmless to the body, but it could also cause two tissues or organs to tug and pull at one another and cause them to function irregularly. Under serious circumstances, it could cause pain or even other illnesses. With this in mind, is it then better for a historical trauma to heal, or should we learn to continue to live with such scar? HOU embarks on a physical sensory journey under restricted conditions, and she treats bodies and images as coordinates and seeks to describe the possibilities that may lie in symbiotic ethics and coexistence politics.

特別感謝 Special thanks to:

陳欽生 CHIN Him-San、簡中生 CHIEN Chung-Sheng

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